
1/48 Sapphire

Quick Summary

You cannot receive a Sapphire card sign-up bonus if you've already received a bonus from either version within previous 48 months

Understanding the 1/48 Sapphire rule:

This is a relatively new Chase rule, but an important one: You cannot receive a Sapphire sign-up bonus if you've already received a bonus from either version (Preferred or Reserve) within previous 48 months. It's important to note it's 48 months or 4 years from the receipt of the statement with the bonus on it. This could be as much as three-and-a-half months from your approval date. We'll help you keep track of this rule (as well as all the others) for you. The Point Navigator estimates 3 months from approval for receipt of the bonus. You can check your statement and update the exact date in the "My Cards" section. After the 48 months have passed, if you are working with a spouse/partner, we generally recommend you switch cards. If your dates are close, make sure the one with the Preferred version refers the other for 15,000 extra points. We also recommend you downgrade (rather than cancel) to the Freedom Unlimited or the Freedom card if you already have the Unlimited.

About Approval Rules

Collecting credit card points is largely driven by understanding and abiding by bank rules regarding approval (or disapproval) of cards.  So here’s what you need to know:

  • Approval rules are rarely fully publicized by the banks
  • We use our own research and data points from other users in creating the rules listing
  • Our goal in sharing/using the rule listings is to provide you guidance to avoid getting declined
  • There can sometimes be exceptions to the rules, but we try to take a more cautious approach in advising you.

Breaking Points